Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Cataclysm is coming.. or is it?

Well, Patch 4.0.1 is live, and the only thing I can say for sure is that it's not what I expected. The only expected thing is that the Kingslayer run I was purchasing got moved to Thursday- not surprising, really. It also gives me a couple days to get used to playing my toon again. It is quite different. I have to spend some time with my specs and such to see if I need to switch in some gear (get rid of spirit, add hit rating, etc)- this is all with Cornellian. I haven't even thought about my other characters.

In other news, the glyph "rush" turned out to be rather bigger than I expected, and all I can say in that regard is "Thank god for Auctionator". As you might or might not know, Blizzard broke a few of the more popular auctioning add-ons for having too much automation (QA3 could pretty much do all your undercutting for you, and both that and Auctioneer had Batch Posting, which I never bothered to use, though I can see why you would if you sold glyphs on a regular basis, which I don't), but Auctionator was updated for the patch and it has been a lifesaver in terms of getting my stuff listed. As usual, it has features I like better than Auctioneer, but lacks some things Auctioneer has that I like better.. If I were a programmer (I'm not), I'd just combine all the bits I like into another addon, but as it is, I'll have to see what the updated Auctioneer turns out to be like and go from there in deciding which addons to use for my auctioning- I also grabbed Postal (I was using QA3's "open all" option to open my mail) so I don't go crazy with the large numbers of mails I'm receiving on my bank alt.

Like I said before, I wasn't quite prepared for the magnitude of the glyph sales I would get- I've made well over 15k gold and reached my pre-Cataclysm goal for gold on Ghostlands since last night, and am quickly surpassing it, which is nice.

I haven't done well with respecs, but Cornellian is almost set to go and I'm spending some time farming herbs and watching the AH for cheap herbs to mill and turn into glyphs. Taking advantage while I can.

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