Friday, January 21, 2011

Why I love Blood Elves

Blood Elves get a bad rap.

I think it's because they are pretty. And I've never understood why people insist on that old joke about there being no such thing as a male blood elf; the male blood elves are *obviously* male. They've got muscles (even if they're not as big as an orc's), they have the exaggerated triangle shape (big shoulders, narrow waist). The only thing they're guilty of is having a slightly effeminate set of emotes and a refined sounding voice- which apparently makes you a girl? Whatever, I'm not going to dive into that pool of depressing chauvanism at this point, anyway. Blood elf males, I can take or leave, but the females...

I. Love. Them.

What do you want me to say? They're ostensibly the prettiest race in the game, they look good in just about EVERYTHING, and did I mention that they're the prettiest race in the game? Now, I hate to be the stereotypical girl, but I can't deny that I adore pretty things- I love dressing up my blood elves, I love changing their hair, finding clothes to slut them up... I can't help it. This is probably intensified by the fact that I do LOVE to oggle women (I know, I know.. that's not very feminist of me, but nobody is perfect, allright?).

But I can't help it. If it weren't for the guilt I feel over having so many Blood Elves and the fact that they can't be druids or shamans, I'd probably have all 10 of my character slots on Ghostlands filled with them. That isn't to say I don't like the other races; I do (well, except for orcs). I love gnomes, goblins, dwarves. I may be sad that female forsaken got the COOLEST combat animations, but they're cute in their own drippy-fleshed way. Tauren are OK, and so are humans. I want to like night elves, but I can't stomach them. I love Draenei almost as much as I love blood elves, and while worgen are disappointing, they're not too bad either.

But blood elves will always be my true love. There isn't a race I can imagine them adding that could ever compare.

But Blizz? Can we please get the goblin hairstyles for everyone? Kthxbye.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bad Blogger?

If I were going to make a New Years resolution, it would be that I will update this blog at least once a week, but I don't do New Years' Resolutions, so there you have it.

That said, I've been busy with Cataclysm. Cornellian is max level, and has done a bit of guild hopping, but I think I've found a good home at this point- the GM is an Achievement Whore just like I am, and I can deal with slower raid progression if we take time out to have fun doing other things, so I'm not particularly worried about anyone else in the guild being "bad." I haven't run anything with them yet, though, so that isn't a comment on their skill level. Just saying that if it turns out that way, I'll probably be fine.

I'm having a little trouble with this expansion, and I think it could be a few things. One, I'm relatively poor at the moment due to a large purchase I made (which I promise I'll make a post about later!), though I've been steadily increasing my gold, at a pretty good rate now that I think about it (I was down to ~30k day of Cataclysm launch, am back up to ~70k at the moment), but I want to get to the point where I can literally afford to buy whatever I want, and not dip down to "poverty" levels when I do. I'm planning on doing a feature about the ways that I make money, but I've not come up with a title for it yet, so let me know if you have ideas. I don't want to rip anyone off, so it's proving difficult.

I suppose I should really shack up on the PTR at some point, since I'm currently wavering between stubbornly staying Frost specced for raiding and switching over to fire. On the one hand, I adore frost and I play it instinctively; I'd challenge you to find a PvE frost mage who has the same level of competence with their character and spec that I do. But I worry that with the incoming Deep Freeze nerf (Damage down 35%!), my dps will suffer despite the other changes being made to the tree that seem to be buffing frostbolt damage; In other words, I need to test it out on the PTR and then check out some spreadsheets to see what the theorycrafters have figured out. I will miss my HUGE deep freeze crits, though, let me tell you. I regularly get 90k+ crits on deep freeze in dungeons, over 100k in raids, and when I was doing a heroic ToC run at lvl 85 (Which I did not finish thanks to Anub'arak being a TOTAL PAIN with larger health pools), I got a crit that was over 200k on Jaraxxus with 5 stacks of his buff that I had speallstolen.


Now that Cornellian is max level and somewhat close to having all the pre-raid gear she can get, I'm having a bit of a problem deciding which alt to level first. I've gotten Gytha up to 83, and Cornelladin is 82. Nepenthes (formerly Taurrance) is at 81 and Bellavita is working her way towards 81 steadily with her jewelcrafting dailies. The only professions I have yet to max out are Blacksmithing, Skinning, and Leatherworking. Skinning and Leatherworking depend on me levelling Rolf 2.0, however.

I promise to come back in with an update about my big purchase, and I'm working on some of the other stuff. Enjoy!