Friday, January 21, 2011

Why I love Blood Elves

Blood Elves get a bad rap.

I think it's because they are pretty. And I've never understood why people insist on that old joke about there being no such thing as a male blood elf; the male blood elves are *obviously* male. They've got muscles (even if they're not as big as an orc's), they have the exaggerated triangle shape (big shoulders, narrow waist). The only thing they're guilty of is having a slightly effeminate set of emotes and a refined sounding voice- which apparently makes you a girl? Whatever, I'm not going to dive into that pool of depressing chauvanism at this point, anyway. Blood elf males, I can take or leave, but the females...

I. Love. Them.

What do you want me to say? They're ostensibly the prettiest race in the game, they look good in just about EVERYTHING, and did I mention that they're the prettiest race in the game? Now, I hate to be the stereotypical girl, but I can't deny that I adore pretty things- I love dressing up my blood elves, I love changing their hair, finding clothes to slut them up... I can't help it. This is probably intensified by the fact that I do LOVE to oggle women (I know, I know.. that's not very feminist of me, but nobody is perfect, allright?).

But I can't help it. If it weren't for the guilt I feel over having so many Blood Elves and the fact that they can't be druids or shamans, I'd probably have all 10 of my character slots on Ghostlands filled with them. That isn't to say I don't like the other races; I do (well, except for orcs). I love gnomes, goblins, dwarves. I may be sad that female forsaken got the COOLEST combat animations, but they're cute in their own drippy-fleshed way. Tauren are OK, and so are humans. I want to like night elves, but I can't stomach them. I love Draenei almost as much as I love blood elves, and while worgen are disappointing, they're not too bad either.

But blood elves will always be my true love. There isn't a race I can imagine them adding that could ever compare.

But Blizz? Can we please get the goblin hairstyles for everyone? Kthxbye.

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